Airpot Corp. announces “Accurate Force Pneumatics” for control of force, motion and displacement with unparalleled accuracy and low friction
Airpot Corp. has developed a line of products and systems, which excel in applications requiring precise, accurate control of actuation, damping, or displacement. Using high quality pneumatics in conjunction with Airpot’s precision glass cylinder and graphite piston technology, Airpot now offers designers levels of force and motion control unobtainable by other pneumatic means. Even zero friction actuation is possible, allowing for ultra precise measurement, application of minute forces, and sub-micron control of linear displacement. Ideal for uses such as high tech micro machining, polishing or grinding equipment, Airpot’s pistons and cylinders are manufactured to extremely tight tolerances and have special properties which also allow for precise volumetric displacements in the micro-liter range for sampling applications requiring the movement or measurement of a volume of air or gas.
Each of the product groups offers instrument quality pneumatic devices uniquely designed and optimized for highly accurate and repeatable force control at lower cost than other methods providing comparable functions and performance. The result is products and systems that Damp, Actuate, and Displace with superior accuracy and little or no friction. Airpot Accurate Force Pneumatics are ideal for designing or improving a product line or building specialized equipment to do research, high level testing or precision assembly.
Airpot’s “Accurate Force Pneumatics” individual component products aid the designer in the following three areas, and Airpot’s optimized systems provide the ultimate in customized force control.
When there is the need to reduce or eliminate harmful or excessive motion Air Dashpots and Shock Absorbers use ambient air to precisely and accurately control force, velocity and impact.
When your mechanism needs a precise force Airpot Self aligning Actuators, Anti-Stiction and Zero-Friction air cylinders allow you to move it, hold it, or press it accurately and with amazing repeatability.
Precision Piston /Cylinder sets and Self-Aligning actuators make possible the precise dispensing of small volumes of air in pumping and flow applications, and can also be used for specialized bearing or driving requirements.
Optimized Systems:
Pre-selected systems components provide most of the functions needed between the air supply and the force output system to achieve your actuation objectives, and can save you research and development time. Our systems are matched to insure optimum performance and lowest cost.
Each of Airpot’s four major product groups, damping, actuation, displacement and optimized pneumatic systems offers instrument quality pneumatic devices uniquely designed and optimized for highly accurate and repeatable force control and smooth motion. Visit for products and systems that exhibit superior accuracy and little or no friction. Airpot Corp. manufactures precision Air Dashpots, Snubbers, Pneumatic Actuators, Airpel Anti-Stiction Air Cylinders and -AB Air Bearing Actuators. Airpot welcomes custom requirements and works with customers to adapt products to suit their individual application needs. Value added sub-assembly services are also a specialty. Airpot Corp. is a trusted supplier to many of the world’s most prestigious original equipment manufacturers. Call or email our technical staff for application assistance and ordering information., 203-846-2021.
Key Markets: Semiconductor, Electronics, Medical Devices, Metrology, Test & Measurement, Laboratory Diagnostics.
Key Applications: Filament & wire tensioning, positioning and manipulating optics, liquids, delicate devices, super sensitive force control, counterbalancing and safety for vertically positioned linear driven motor masses, Measuring weight, creep, tensile strength and calibration.